Single Sex Schools vs Co-ed Schools Debate

Are Single-Sex Schools Good for Education? The Benefits and The Limitations

Do separating boys and girls improve their education? Experts on both sides of the issue weigh in. It has always been a topic of debate as to whether single-sex schools provide a better education than their co-ed counterparts or vice versa. Campus social life is likely to be very different at co-ed and single sex schools. Each option has its own pros and cons. The following study helps make a decision so as to which option would be the best fit for one’s academic and social preference.

CV Vs Resume Sample, Examples, Format, Differences

Curriculum Vitae Vs Resume – What’s the Difference between the Two?

Every professional knows the importance of a nicely drafted resume or a Curriculum Vitae (CV). They are among an essential document which helps you while getting a job or while shifting it. Although a CV and a resume may sound interchangeable but they are not. They have some major points of differentiation and the dilemma of Curriculum Vitae vs Resume always flares up while you are looking for a job. It is very important to choose the right document depending upon the type of situations you are in.

Should Sex Education be taught in Schools: Pros and Cons

There is a long standing debate on sex education going on for years that should sex education be taught in schools. Although progressive people have expressed that it will greatly benefit the students and improve their mindset, there are a set of people that talk about the negative effects of implementing it. But if we want to develop the minds of young children so that they grow up to become better individuals, sex education must be taught in schools. However, let’s see both sides of the spectrum to come to a conclusion.Sex Education in Schools, Pros and Cons

Debate on Attendance in Colleges

Should Attendance be made Compulsory for Students in Colleges: Pros and Cons

Students experience a cultural and social change when they graduate from school to a new college. They can go wherever they want to. It is a beginning to a whole new world. As far as studies are concerned, they are always managed. Let us discuss the never ending question, should attendance be made compulsory for students in colleges.

Is it Necessary for Students to Wear School Uniform: The Goods and The Bads

We have outgrown the old era and entered a new dimension of life with the advent of technology. But there are some conventions that we are still following. The question remains unanswered, should students have to wear school uniforms? During the school times, we always had this question in our minds, is it necessary for students to wear school uniform? At times we used to hate it for its color, sometimes of its itchiness and many a time because of its overall look. Let us look at some valid arguments which both support and demolish the culture of school uniforms.School Uniform Debate, Against, In Favor, Facts, Your Opinion, Images